Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) at night in snow, camera trap image, Jura Mountains, Switzerland, August
Karst limestone landscape, The Burren, County Clare, Ireland, June 2009
Juvenile deep water pelagic octopus (Vitreledonella richardi) semi-translucent species
Water lilies (Nymphaea alba) lit by the suns rays, seen under water. Alps, Ain, France
Flowering meadow with Thistles (Cirsium rivulare) and Buttercups (Ranunculus acris)
Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), two curled up asleep in drey inside nest box. Nest of lichen and Pine needles. Highlands, Scotland, UK. Medium repro only
Black and white photo of school of Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus) form a circular