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14 Items
Ferns, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Latvia, June 2009
Cave near Pelvin, Bulgaria, May 2008
Growth on a tree trunk, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Latvia, June 2009
Decaying tree trunk, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Latvia, June 2009
Forking Larkspur (Delphinium consolida / Consolida regalis) in flower, East Slovakia, Europe, June 2008
Leaves of various plants: Lily-of-the-valley, (Convallaria majalis) (top left corner)Wood-sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) with trefoil leaves and Woodruff (Galium odoratum) with leaves in whorls
View of underside of Lime (Tilia sp) leaves on a branch, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Latvia, June 2009
Fallen tree surrounded by ferns, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Latvia, June 2009
Trees felled by Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Latvia, June 2009
Dark cloudy sky over Lake Usma viewed from Moricsala Island, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Latvia, June 2009
Lake Usma viewed from a mooring stage on Moricsala Island with dark clouds, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Latvia, June 2009
Lake Usma viewed from Moricsala Island, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Latvia, June 2009
Corn bunting (Emberiza / Miliaria calandra) on Denseflower mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) Bulgaria, May 2008