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Brimstone butterfly (Goneopteryx rhamni) male roosting on Cowslip (Primula veris) Bedfordshire

 : Brimstone butterfly (Goneopteryx rhamni) male roosting on Cowslip (Primula veris) Bedfordshire

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Brimstone butterfly (Goneopteryx rhamni) male roosting on Cowslip (Primula veris) Bedfordshire

Brimstone butterfly (Goneopteryx rhamni) male roosting on Cowslip (Primula veris) Bedfordshire, England, UK, April / : Andy Sands

Media ID 18840891


Angiosperm Angiospermae Asteranae Asterid Cowslip Primrose Dicot Dicotyledon Ericales Flower Flowering Plant Magnoliopsida Plantae Primula Primula Veris Primulaceae Profile Seed Plant Spermatophyte Spermatophytina Tracheophyta Vascular Plant Yellow

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