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129 Items
Cockapoo puppy, aged 18 weeks, portrait
Cockapoo puppy, aged 18 weeks, running, portrait
Eurasian kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) perched on branch in autumn, Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park, Andalusia, southern Spain. November
Pomchi (Pomeranian x Chihuahua) puppy, aged 6 months, lying down, portrait
Two Ragdoll-cross kittens, aged 5 weeks, side by side, portrait
Hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus) juvenile, running up tree trunk, Bandhavgarh National Park, India
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) male, in flight, with mosaic tower of Sagrada Familia Basilica in background, Barcelona, Spain. April
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in flight, Port of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. April
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) male, in flight with female perched on mosaic towers at the Sagrada Familia Basilica, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. May
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) fledgling, perched on skyscraper window ledge at dusk, Torre Realia BCN, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. May
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) female, flying towards nest box with three chicks, aged 18 days, inside, Sagrada Familia Basilica, Catalonia, Spain. May
Peragrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) female, perched on top of Hotel Porta Fira skyscraper, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Catalonia, Spain. April
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) perched on top of mosaic tower, Sagrada Familia Basilica, Barcelona, Spain. April
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in flight over city, Barcelona, Spain. April
Ragdoll-cross kitten, aged 3 weeks, meowing, portrait
Cockapoo puppy, aged 4 months, running, portrait
Bengal kitten, aged 15 weeks, standing on hind legs reaching out, portrait
Colourpoint kitten, aged 6 weeks, portrait
Yellow Labrador puppy, playful posture portrait
Norfolk terrier puppy, aged 7 months, running, portrait
Dapple Dachshund puppy with Netherland dwarf rabbit and grey Tabby kitten sitting side by side, portrait
Two Miniature American shepherd puppies, aged 7 weeks, sitting side by side, portrait
Black-and-white Border collie puppy, lying down, portrait
Yellow Labrador retriever puppy and Ragdoll-cross kitten side by side, touching noses, portrait
Yellow Labrador puppy, aged 4 months, sitting and looking up, portrait
Border collie x Bearded collie puppy, aged 4 months, sitting looking up with tongue out, portrait
Dachshund x Yorkshire terrier puppy, aged 10 weeks, sitting looking up, portrait
Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) juvenile, jumping and playing in ocean, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos National Park, Pacific Ocean. Endangered
Fringetree (Chionanthus pubescens) with pink blossom in Old Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Snowcapped peak of Chimborazo volcano at night with part of the Milkyway visible in sky above, Chimborazo National Park, Chimborazo, Ecuador. August, 2022
Moonrise over mountain, Torres del Paine National Park, Magallanes, Chile. June, 2022
Peacock katydid (Pterochroza ocellata) in defensive posture, Yasuni National Park, Orellana, Ecuador
Andean bear / Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) resting in tree in cloud forest, looking down, Ecuadorian Choco, Pichincha, Ecuador
Mashpi glassfrog (Hyalinobatrachium mashpi) underside, internal organs visible. Captive, occurs in Ecuador
Black-naped monarch / Black-naped blue flycatcher (Hypothymis azurea) male, with insect prey in beak, feeding three chicks at nest, Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka
Galapagos flycatcher (Myiarchus magnirostris) in flight, Santiago Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Aerial view of dense stand of Lava cactus (Brachycereus nesioticus), Fernandina Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) female with chick resting on beach, Santiago Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) resting head on back of another Marine iguana, Fernandina Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Magnificent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) pair in courtship display, male with gular sac inflated, North Seymour Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Santa Cruz giant-tortoise (Chelonoidis porteri) covered in mud, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Isalnds. Critically endangered
Group of Santa Cruz giant-tortoises (Chelonoidis porteri) wallowing in mud, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands. Critically endangered
Crimson-rumped toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus) peering our from nest hole in tree trunk, Pichincha, Ecuador
Bigeye trevallies (Caranx sexfasciatus) shoal. Darwin Island, Galapagos National Park, Pacific Ocean
Imbabura tree frog (Boana picturata) restin on a leaf at night, Mashpi, Pichincha, Ecuador
Mashpi torrenteer frog (Hyloscirtus mashpi) juvenile. resting on a leaf at night, Mashpi, Pichincha, Ecuador. Endangered
Plate-billed mountain toucan (Andigena laminirostris) peering our from nest hole in tree trunk with food in beak, Mindo, Pichincha, Ecuador
Fernandina giant-tortoise (Chelonoidis phantasticus) head portrait, Fernandina Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands. Critically endangered
Group of Spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) swimming in shallow water, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos National Park, Pacific Ocean. Small repro only
Three Sri Lankan elephants (Elephas maximus maximus) with two calves walking along forest road, Yala National Park, Southern and Uva Provinces, Sri Lanka
Giant hummingbird (Patagona gigas) in flight, portrait, Cotopaxi National Park, Cotopaxi, Ecuador
Two Waved / Galapagos albatrosses (Phoebastria irrorata) preening, Espanola Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands. Critically endangered
Ash plume erupting from Reventador volcano, El Chaco, Napo, Ecuador. October, 2020
Lava erupting from Reventador volcano at night, El Chaco, Napo, Ecuador. October, 2020
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) breaching, Manabi, Ecuador, Pacific Ocean
Sangay volcano erupting at night covered in low cloud, Sangay National Park, Morona Santiago, Ecuador. June, 2020
Sangay volcano erupting at night. , Sangay National Park, Morona Santiago, Ecuador. June, 2020Sangay volcano erupting at night. , Sangay National Park, Morona Santiago, Ecuador. June, 2020
Sally Lightfoot crabs (Grapsus grapsus) on rocks caught in the swell, Espanola Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Rufescent tiger heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) portrait, Yasuni National Park, Orellana, Ecuador
Pale-mandibled aracaris (Pteroglossus erythropygius) pair, at entrance to nest hole in tree, Choco rainforest, Los Bancos, Pichincha, Ecuador
Club-winged manakin (Machaeropterus deliciosus) male, courtship display at lek, Choco rainforest, Pichincha, Ecuador
Two Millipedes (Julidae) close up portrait, Mulu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Great anglehead lizard (Gonocephalus grandis) resting on tree trunk, Mulu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Black-headed cat snake (Boiga nigriceps) coiled, portrait, Kubah National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia
Black-mantled tamarin (Leontocebus nigricollis) sitting on branch in rainforest, Cuyabeno Reserve, Sucumbios, Ecuador
Lightning storm reflecting in river in the Amazon basin, Yasuni National Park, Orellana, Ecuador. January, 2019
Andean cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus) perched on branch in rainforest, Sumaco National Park, Napo, Ecuador
Puma (Puma concolor) cub sitting among rocks, looking up at falling snow, Torres del Paine National Park, Magallanes, Chile
Puma (Puma concolor) female with two cubs, Torres del Paine National Park, Magallanes, Chile
Puma (Puma concolor) cub running, Torres del Paine National Park, Magallanes, Chile
Galapagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) with mouth open, head portrait, Santiago Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands. Endangered
Puma (Puma concolor) female with cub, resting, Torres del Paine National Park, Magallanes, Chile
Sri Lankan leopard (Panthera pardus kotiya) resting on tree branch, Yala National Park, Southern and Uva Provinces, Sri Lanka
Two Chestnut-headed bee-eaters (Merops leschenaulti) perched on branch, Yala National Park, Southern and Uva Provinces, Sri Lanka
Sally Lightfoot crab (Grapsus grapsus) on beach, portrait, Santiago Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Two Puma (Puma concolor) cubs playing, feet pads visible, Torres del Paine National Park, Magallanes, Chile
Rusty whipsnake / Wagler's sipo (Chironius scurrulus) coiled up, close up, Yasuni National Park, Orellana, EcuadorRusty whipsnake / Wagler's sipo (Chironius scurrulus) coiled up, close up, Yasuni National Park, Orellana, Ecuador
Swallow-tailed gull (Creagrus furcatus) eye detail, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos National Park, Galapagos Islands
Sulphur butterfly (Pieridae) extracting minerals from eye moisture of a Yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle (Podocnemis unifilis), Yasuni National Park, Orellana, Ecuador
Ecuadorian squirrel monkey (Saimiri cassiquiarensis macrodon) portrait, Yasuni National Park, Orellana, Ecuador
Little egret (Egretta garzetta) landing on water, Ubrique, Southern Spain. June
Spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) perched on branch in morning sunlight, Grazalema, Andalusia, Spain. August
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) cub chasing after butterfly. Germany. May
European robin (Erithacus rubecula) perched on branch with rose hips (Rosa). Germany. November