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Images Dated 31st May 2019

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18 Items

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Afghanistan Juno iris (Iris cycloglossa) with yellow nectar guides. In cultivation

Afghanistan Juno iris (Iris cycloglossa) with yellow nectar guides. In cultivation, Kew Gardens, London, England, UK. Native to Afghanistan

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Mother of pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) moth nectaring on Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) at night

Mother of pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) moth nectaring on Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) at night. Surrey, England, UK. July

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Sun bromeliad (Fascicularia bicolor). Central leaves turn red to attract hummingbird

Sun bromeliad (Fascicularia bicolor). Central leaves turn red to attract hummingbird pollinators before flowers open. Cultivated in garden. Surrey, England, UK

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Mysore clock vine (Thunbergia mysorensis) with nectar overflowing in morning. In cultivation

Mysore clock vine (Thunbergia mysorensis) with nectar overflowing in morning. In cultivation, Kew Gardens, London, England, UK. Native to India

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Wood forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) flowers, yellow corollas on fresher flowers

Wood forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) flowers, yellow corollas on fresher flowers. In damp woodland, Surrey, England, UK. May

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Goat willow (Salix caprea) female catkin in UV light, fine hairs and nectar fluroescing

Goat willow (Salix caprea) female catkin in UV light, fine hairs and nectar fluroescing. Surrey, England, UK. Focus stacked

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Hedgehog-shaped lip bulbophyllum (Bulbophyllum echinolabium), Cultivated in glasshouse

Hedgehog-shaped lip bulbophyllum (Bulbophyllum echinolabium), Cultivated in glasshouse, Kew Gardens, London, England, UK. Native to Sulawesi, Indonesia. Controlled conditions

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Gold band lily (Lilium auratum) with yellow nectar guides. In cultivation. Native to Japan

Gold band lily (Lilium auratum) with yellow nectar guides. In cultivation. Native to Japan

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Red bowled anemone (Anemone bucharica) with dark stamens and patterns on petal bases

Red bowled anemone (Anemone bucharica) with dark stamens and patterns on petal bases to attract Scarab beetle (Eulasia sp) pollinators

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) flower with pollen grains scattered by visiting insects

Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) flower with pollen grains scattered by visiting insects

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Scarab beetle (Scarabaeoidea) pair mating inside Tulip (Tulipa micheliana) flower

Scarab beetle (Scarabaeoidea) pair mating inside Tulip (Tulipa micheliana) flower. Beetles covered in pollen. Uzbekistan, April

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Bumblebee (Bombus sp) and Honey bee (Apis mellifera) nectaring on Love-in-a-mist

Bumblebee (Bombus sp) and Honey bee (Apis mellifera) nectaring on Love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena) flower. Anthers transferring pollen onto bee backs

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Orange-petaled passionflower (Passiflora aurantia) changing colour from cream to orange

Orange-petaled passionflower (Passiflora aurantia) changing colour from cream to orange. Cultivated in glasshouse, Kew Gardens, London, England, UK. Native to New Guinea and northeast Australia

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), three nectaring on Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), three nectaring on Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), resting on red bracts. In butterfly house, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Blue passionflower (Passiflora caerulea). Flower is pollinated by larger bees. Focus stacked

Blue passionflower (Passiflora caerulea). Flower is pollinated by larger bees. Focus stacked

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Spider flower (Cleome sp) with long gonophores. View from above. Cultivated in garden

Spider flower (Cleome sp) with long gonophores. View from above. Cultivated in garden, Surrey, England, UK. Native to South America

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Garden bumblebee (Bombus hortorum) on Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), spatter marks

Garden bumblebee (Bombus hortorum) on Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), spatter marks guiding bee to nectar. In garden, Surrey, England, UK. July

Background imageImages Dated 31st May 2019: Red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata) nectaring on Bottlebrush (Callistemon sp)

Red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata) nectaring on Bottlebrush (Callistemon sp). Bird has brush-tipped tongue. Quaalup Homestead near Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia

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