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23 Items
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) with Pilot fish (Naucrates ductor). Tropical West Atlantic Ocean, off Cat Island, Bahamas
Border collie, head portrait, Norfolk, UK, May
Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) in flight, Texel, Netherlands, May 2009
Common spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) perched on branch, Lake Kerkini, Macedonia, Greece, May 2009
Ginger kitten rolling on his back
Parasitoid wasp (Ichneumonidae) carrying a large paralysed caterpillar to its nesting hole, The Peloponnese, Greece, May 2009
European fan worms (Sabella / Spirographis spallanzani) Malta, Mediteranean, May 2009
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) shoal, captive, Malta, Mediteranean, May 2009. WWE INDOOR EXHIBITION
Whirl pool with foam (from waterfall) or pollution floating on surface, Trebizat River, near the Kravice Falls, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2009
Two ginger kittens lying on their sides
Antlion (Myrmelentidae) on piece of wood, Patras area, The Peloponnese, Greece, May 2009
Hermanns tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in a meadow, Patras area, The Peloponnese, Greece, May 2009
Common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) profile, Malta, Mediteranean, May 2009
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) shoal, captive, Malta, Mediteranean, May 2009
Columbine (Aquilegia sp) in flower, Slovak Paradise National Park, Slovensky Raj, Slovakia, May 2009
Hornad River flowing through the Hornad Canyon, Slovak Paradise National Park, Slovensky Raj, Slovakia, May 2009
Black maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus veneris) with water falling past, near Kravice falls, Trebizat River, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2009
Kravice falls along the Trebizat River, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2009
Three Beautiful demoiselles (Calopteryx virgo) and spiders on grass, Trebizat river, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2009
Ginger kitten, age 8 weeks, in Father Christmas hat
Poppy fields (Papaver sp) Lake Kerkini, Macedonia, Greece, May 2009
Two ginger kittens rolling playfully on their sides