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Insects Collection

Background imageInsects Collection: Small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglias urticae) on thistle. Dorset, UK, August

Small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglias urticae) on thistle. Dorset, UK, August

Background imageInsects Collection: Speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria) on Bramble (Rubus fructicosus) leaves

Speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria) on Bramble (Rubus fructicosus) leaves, Gamlingay Wood, Cambridgeshire, England, UK, April, UK

Background imageInsects Collection: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) feeding from Lavender (Lavandula) flowers

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) feeding from Lavender (Lavandula) flowers, Mayfield Lavender Farm, North Downs, Surrey, UK, July

Background imageInsects Collection: Female Large white / Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) in flight, Surrey, UK

Female Large white / Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris brassicae) in flight, Surrey, UK. Multiple exposure

Background imageInsects Collection: Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) and Small tortoiseshell butterflies (Aglais urticae)

Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) and Small tortoiseshell butterflies (Aglais urticae) feeding on Buddleia flowers (Buddleia davidii), Derbyshire, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth (Hemaris fuciformis) portrait on Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)

Broad-bordered Bee Hawkmoth (Hemaris fuciformis) portrait on Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris), UK, Captive

Background imageInsects Collection: Hummingbird Hawk-moth {Macroglossum stellatarum} adult in flight drinking nectar

Hummingbird Hawk-moth {Macroglossum stellatarum} adult in flight drinking nectar from lantana flower, Switzerland

Background imageInsects Collection: Leaf cutter ants (Atta cephalotes) carrying sections of leaves, to be used for cultivating

Leaf cutter ants (Atta cephalotes) carrying sections of leaves, to be used for cultivating nutritious fungi, Santa Rita, Costa Rica

Background imageInsects Collection: Mosquito (Aedes punctor) female resting after sucking blood from human arm. Sequence 4 / 4

Mosquito (Aedes punctor) female resting after sucking blood from human arm. Sequence 4 / 4
Mosquito (Aedes punctor) female resting after sucking blood from human arm. Sequence 4/4

Background imageInsects Collection: European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) pair, male passing Dragonfly prey to female

European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) pair, male passing Dragonfly prey to female, Pusztaszer, Hungary, May 2008

Background imageInsects Collection: Edwards Atlas Moth (Attacus edwardsii) in defensive posture, Bhutan, June

Edwards Atlas Moth (Attacus edwardsii) in defensive posture, Bhutan, June

Background imageInsects Collection: Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon brittannicus) resting on flag iris, Norfolk Broads

Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon brittannicus) resting on flag iris, Norfolk Broads, UK June

Background imageInsects Collection: Large blue alkanet (Anchusa azurea) in flower with an Eschers blue butterfly

Large blue alkanet (Anchusa azurea) in flower with an Eschers blue butterfly (Polyommatus escheri) Stenje region, Galicica National Park, Macedonia, June 2009

Background imageInsects Collection: Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) on blade of grass, Pollino National Park

Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) on blade of grass, Pollino National Park, Basilicata, Italy, May 2009

Background imageInsects Collection: Irish damselfly (Coenagrion lunulatum) on leaf, Montiaghs Moss, County Antrim

Irish damselfly (Coenagrion lunulatum) on leaf, Montiaghs Moss, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, June

Background imageInsects Collection: Portrait of a Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris). UK. Focus stacked image (dead specimen)

Portrait of a Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris). UK. Focus stacked image (dead specimen)

Background imageInsects Collection: Black and red froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata) on plant stem, Liechtenstein, June 2009

Black and red froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata) on plant stem, Liechtenstein, June 2009

Background imageInsects Collection: Marsh fritillary butterfly {Euphydrayas aurinia} on Spotted heath orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)

Marsh fritillary butterfly {Euphydrayas aurinia} on Spotted heath orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata), Dunsdon, near Holsworthy, Devon, UK. June

Background imageInsects Collection: Silver Studded Blue (Plebejus argus)

Silver Studded Blue (Plebejus argus), Gran Paradiso National Park, Aosta Valley, Pennine Alps, Italy. July

Background imageInsects Collection: Archerfish jets water at insect to dislodge it from branch {Toxotes chatareus}

Archerfish jets water at insect to dislodge it from branch {Toxotes chatareus} from SE Asia

Background imageInsects Collection: Mayfly (Ephemera Danica) on leaf, Dala river, Gtene, Vstra Gtaland, Sweden, June 2009

Mayfly (Ephemera Danica) on leaf, Dala river, Gtene, Vstra Gtaland, Sweden, June 2009

Background imageInsects Collection: Jersey tiger moth (Euplagia quadripunctaria) large numbers resting on trunk of Sweetgum tree

Jersey tiger moth (Euplagia quadripunctaria) large numbers resting on trunk of Sweetgum tree (Liquidambar orientalis) in the Petaloudes Valley, Rhodes island, Greece, August 2011

Background imageInsects Collection: Small emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) male with wings open showing eyespots on lichen covered twig

Small emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) male with wings open showing eyespots on lichen covered twig, Captive, UK, April

Background imageInsects Collection: Bullseye / Io moth (Automeris io) showing eye spot markings on wings during deimatic

Bullseye / Io moth (Automeris io) showing eye spot markings on wings during deimatic display to deter predators, photographed on a white background, originating from North and Central America

Background imageInsects Collection: Indian moon / Indian luna moth (Actias selene) head-on view showing feather-like antennae

Indian moon / Indian luna moth (Actias selene) head-on view showing feather-like antennae. Captive

Background imageInsects Collection: Deaths head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos). Captive bred in the UK

Deaths head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos). Captive bred in the UK

Background imageInsects Collection: Madagascar moon / Comet moth (Argema mittrei) beside coccoon, captive, Madagascar

Madagascar moon / Comet moth (Argema mittrei) beside coccoon, captive, Madagascar

Background imageInsects Collection: Small emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) female with wings open showing eyespots on Gorse

Small emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) female with wings open showing eyespots on Gorse, Captive, UK, April

Background imageInsects Collection: Buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queen about to land at her nest burrow in a

Buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queen about to land at her nest burrow in a garden lawn with loaded pollen sacs to provision grubs that will become future workers for her colony, Wiltshire

Background imageInsects Collection: Seven-spot ladybird (Coccinnella septempunctata) just emerged from hibernation

Seven-spot ladybird (Coccinnella septempunctata) just emerged from hibernation, sunning on a Honeysuckle leaf with buildings in the background, Wiltshire garden, UK, April

Background imageInsects Collection: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) nectaring on a Crab apple (Malus sylvestnis

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) nectaring on a Crab apple (Malus sylvestnis) flower in a garden, Wiltshire, UK, April

Background imageInsects Collection: Male Giraffe-necked Weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) Montane rainforest, Vohiparara

Male Giraffe-necked Weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) Montane rainforest, Vohiparara, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar

Background imageInsects Collection: Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus) female butterfly feeding on flower

Adonis Blue (Polyommatus bellargus) female butterfly feeding on flower, Wiltshire, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Small copper butterfly (Lycaena philaeas). Peak District NP, Derbyshire, UK, September

Small copper butterfly (Lycaena philaeas). Peak District NP, Derbyshire, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Canary-shouldered thorn moth (Ennomos alniaria) on bark. Peak District National Park

Canary-shouldered thorn moth (Ennomos alniaria) on bark. Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Male Migrant Hawker Dragonfly (Aeshna mixta) South London, UK, September

Male Migrant Hawker Dragonfly (Aeshna mixta) South London, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Lesser Marsh Grasshopper (Chorthippus albomarginatus) brown and green form Lewisham

Lesser Marsh Grasshopper (Chorthippus albomarginatus) brown and green form Lewisham, London, August

Background imageInsects Collection: Black darter dragonfly (Sympetrum danae) male, Peatlands Country Park, County Armagh

Black darter dragonfly (Sympetrum danae) male, Peatlands Country Park, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, UK, August

Background imageInsects Collection: Green carpet (Colostygia pectinataria) Annagarriff Wood, County Armagh, Ireland, November

Green carpet (Colostygia pectinataria) Annagarriff Wood, County Armagh, Ireland, November

Background imageInsects Collection: Mint moth (Pyrausta aurata) feeding on Wild marjoram flower (Origanum vulgare), chalk

Mint moth (Pyrausta aurata) feeding on Wild marjoram flower (Origanum vulgare), chalk grassland meadow, Wiltshire, UK, July

Background imageInsects Collection: Bullseye Moth (Automeris io) showing wings expanding after emerging from cocoon. Captive

Bullseye Moth (Automeris io) showing wings expanding after emerging from cocoon. Captive, originating from North and Central America. Sequence 10 of 10

Background imageInsects Collection: Green Veined White Butterfly (Pieris napi) resting on the flowering stem of a native

Green Veined White Butterfly (Pieris napi) resting on the flowering stem of a native English Bluebell (Endymion nonscriptus) Banstead Woods. Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Background imageInsects Collection: Close-up of Swallowtail (Papilo machaon) wings, Emilia Romagna Region, Italy

Close-up of Swallowtail (Papilo machaon) wings, Emilia Romagna Region, Italy

Background imageInsects Collection: American moon / Luna Moth (Actias luna) resting on Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia)

American moon / Luna Moth (Actias luna) resting on Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia), New Braunfels, Texas, USA, March

Background imageInsects Collection: Atlas moth {Attacus atlas} on nurse plant Sri Lanka

Atlas moth {Attacus atlas} on nurse plant Sri Lanka

Background imageInsects Collection: Ringlet butterfly {Aphantopus hyperantus} resting on buttercup

Ringlet butterfly {Aphantopus hyperantus} resting on buttercup, Denmark Farm, Lampeter, Wales, UK. June

Background imageInsects Collection: RF - Banded darter (Sympetrum pedemontanum) group of five resting, Netherlands, September

RF - Banded darter (Sympetrum pedemontanum) group of five resting, Netherlands, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Pair of European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster) with courtship offering of insect prey

Pair of European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster) with courtship offering of insect prey, Pusztaszer, Kiskunsagi National Park, Hungary

Background imageInsects Collection: Common bee fly (Bombylius major) nectaring on a Greater periwinkle flower (Vinca major)

Common bee fly (Bombylius major) nectaring on a Greater periwinkle flower (Vinca major), Wiltshire garden, UK, April

Background imageInsects Collection: Common carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) nectaring on a Yellow archangel

Common carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) nectaring on a Yellow archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) flower in a garden, Wiltshire, UK, April

Background imageInsects Collection: RF- Morpho butterfly displaying on leaf (Morpho achilles). Amazonia, Ecuador

RF- Morpho butterfly displaying on leaf (Morpho achilles). Amazonia, Ecuador

Background imageInsects Collection: Long-horned bee (Eucera sp. ), two crawling into Wild gladiolus (Gladiolus atroviolaceus)

Long-horned bee (Eucera sp. ), two crawling into Wild gladiolus (Gladiolus atroviolaceus)
Long-horned bee (Eucera sp.), two crawling into Wild gladiolus (Gladiolus atroviolaceus) flower to roost at night. Turkey. May

Background imageInsects Collection: RF- Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) perched on Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum)

RF- Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) perched on Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum). Lost Maples State Park, Hill Country, Central Texas, USA. November

Background imageInsects Collection: Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta), perched on Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum)

Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta), perched on Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum), Lost Maples State Park, Hill Country, Central Texas, USA, November

Background imageInsects Collection: Acorn Weevil (Curculio glandium) perched on Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum) leaf

Acorn Weevil (Curculio glandium) perched on Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum) leaf. Lost Maples State Park, Texas, USA, November

Background imageInsects Collection: Masked trogon (Trogon personatus) with insect prey

Masked trogon (Trogon personatus) with insect prey, Bellavista cloud forest private reserve, 1700m altitude, Tandayapa Valley, Andean cloud forest, Ecuador

Background imageInsects Collection: Small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae) on French marigold (Tagetes patula) flowers

Small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae) on French marigold (Tagetes patula) flowers. September, Dorset UK

Background imageInsects Collection: Seven-spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) on fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Seven-spot Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) on fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). Sheffield, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Common spangle galls of the Gall wasp (Neuroterus quercusbaccarum) on underside of oak leaf

Common spangle galls of the Gall wasp (Neuroterus quercusbaccarum) on underside of oak leaf, Dorset, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Honey bee (Apis mellifera) with very tatty, worn wings and dusted with pollen, visiting

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) with very tatty, worn wings and dusted with pollen, visiting a Himalayan balsam (Impatients glandulifera) flower. Wiltshire pastureland, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) camouflaged amongst dead vegetation

Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) camouflaged amongst dead vegetation. Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Solitary bee (Panurgus sp) On Corn Marigold, species often associated with yellow flowers

Solitary bee (Panurgus sp) On Corn Marigold, species often associated with yellow flowers, Hertfordshire, England, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Grey mountain carpet moth (Entephria caesiata) on lichen

Grey mountain carpet moth (Entephria caesiata) on lichen, Benaughlin Cliffs, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Frosted orange moth (Gortyna flavago) resting on fallen leaf, Ballykinler Sand Dunes

Frosted orange moth (Gortyna flavago) resting on fallen leaf, Ballykinler Sand Dunes, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Bulrush wainscot moth (Nonagria typhae) Ballykinler Dunes, County Down, Northern Ireland

Bulrush wainscot moth (Nonagria typhae) Ballykinler Dunes, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Chevron moth (Eulithis testata) on Bell heather flowers, Ballykinler Dunes, County Down

Chevron moth (Eulithis testata) on Bell heather flowers, Ballykinler Dunes, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Painted Lady butterfly (Cynthia / Vanessa cardui) feeding on {Verbena bonariensis} flowers

Painted Lady butterfly (Cynthia / Vanessa cardui) feeding on {Verbena bonariensis} flowers, UK, September

Background imageInsects Collection: Close-up portrait of a Lesser marsh grasshopper (Chorthippus albomarginatus)

Close-up portrait of a Lesser marsh grasshopper (Chorthippus albomarginatus), Leicestershire, England, UK, August. project

Background imageInsects Collection: Speckled bush cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) outline seen through backlit oak leaf

Speckled bush cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) outline seen through backlit oak leaf, Bovey Tracey, Devon, UK. August

Background imageInsects Collection: Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus), resting on dead Yellow rattle stem

Common Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus), resting on dead Yellow rattle stem, Vealend Farm, Devon, UK. August 2012

Background imageInsects Collection: Mottled grasshopper (Myrmeleotettix maculatus) on Clustered bell heather flower mainly

Mottled grasshopper (Myrmeleotettix maculatus) on Clustered bell heather flower mainly heathland species, Surrey, England, UK, August

Background imageInsects Collection: Golden Ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) female at rest on flower, Devon, England

Golden Ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) female at rest on flower, Devon, England, UK, August

Background imageInsects Collection: Migrant Hawker dragonfly (Aeshna mixta latrielle) male in flight, Wiltshire, England

Migrant Hawker dragonfly (Aeshna mixta latrielle) male in flight, Wiltshire, England. August

Background imageInsects Collection: Male Keeled skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) in flight, Holt Lows CP, Norfolk, England

Male Keeled skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens) in flight, Holt Lows CP, Norfolk, England, August

Background imageInsects Collection: Orange Tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) female resting on bluebell

Orange Tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) female resting on bluebell, Lanhydrock woodland, Cornwall. May 2012

Background imageInsects Collection: Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) on Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) Scotland, UK

Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) on Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) Scotland, UK

Background imageInsects Collection: Grizzled skipper butterfly {Pyrgus malvae}, Dorset. UK

Grizzled skipper butterfly {Pyrgus malvae}, Dorset. UK

Background imageInsects Collection: Orange Tip (Anthocaris cardamines) Male at rest on Cuckoo flower / Ladys smock

Orange Tip (Anthocaris cardamines) Male at rest on Cuckoo flower / Ladys smock, West Sussex, UK April

Background imageInsects Collection: Longhorn beetle (Dorcadion equestre nogelli) Ignoussa Mountains, near Lake Kerkini

Longhorn beetle (Dorcadion equestre nogelli) Ignoussa Mountains, near Lake Kerkini, Macedonia, Greece, May 2009

Background imageInsects Collection: Worker Honey bee (Apis mellifera) with pollen sac on back leg

Worker Honey bee (Apis mellifera) with pollen sac on back leg

Background imageInsects Collection: UK Ladybird species, native and invasive

UK Ladybird species, native and invasive, from left to right: Seven-Spot (Coccinella 7-punctata), Harlequin (Harmonia axyridis), Harlequin morph, Two-Spot (Adalia bipunctata)

Background imageInsects Collection: Leafcutter ant (Atta sp) carrying leaf along branch, Amazonian Rainforest, Yavari Valley

Leafcutter ant (Atta sp) carrying leaf along branch, Amazonian Rainforest, Yavari Valley, Loreto, Peru

Background imageInsects Collection: Banded sphinx moth (Eumorpha fasciatus) on tree trunk, Bellaview, Florida, USA, May

Banded sphinx moth (Eumorpha fasciatus) on tree trunk, Bellaview, Florida, USA, May

Background imageInsects Collection: Red admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) on Buddleia flowers

Red admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) on Buddleia flowers, County Down, Northern Ireland, UK, August

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